Review: Official Set - 2003 Rahkshi
At long last... KNEES! Makuta's mightiest henchmen are here to keep Mata Nui asleep, and they mean business.
Review: Official Set 10281 - Bonsai Tree
Alongside the Flower Bouquet, the Bonsai Tree launched The LEGO® Botanical Collection. At the end of the day it's a nice set, but fails to reach the level...
Review: Official Set - Matoran of Mata Nui
An upgrade in terms of functions, but in the end comes up short in terms of feeling like a complete line of Matoran
Review: Official Set - 2003 Bohrok-Kal
We're on to 2003. Do the Bohrok-Kal exceed their 2002 predecessors are they merely a disappointing reskin?
Review: Official Set 10023 - Master Builder Set
A welcome twist on the standard Bionicle sets that includes many more model options, but ultimately a bitter disappointment.
Review: Official Set 8557 - Exo-Toa
The Toa receive an upgrade in firepower that may have come straight from Stark Industries™
Review: Official Set 8556 - Boxor
At long last the Matoran have some high-grade weaponry.
Review: Official Set - 2002 Bohrok Va
Being the most posable Bionicle sets so far, could the Bohrok Va pull off the upset and score higher than the Bohrok?
Review: Official Set 10280 - Flower Bouquet
Introducing a brand-new style of sets, the Flower Boutique provides an incredibly promising glimpse of future possibilities for The LEGO® Group
Review: Official Set - 2002 Bohrok
Kicking off the 2002 line, the Bohrok introduce some new building techniques and bring a pleasant surprise to the table.