Review: Official Set 8622 - Nidhiki
The second Titan set from 2004, Nidhiki presents us with a new Dark Hunter model and some innovative play features.
Review: Official Set 8623 - Krekka
An undeniably great introduction to the Dark Hunters full of innovative parts and mechanics, and not far off from being one of my favorite sets yet.
Review: Official Set - The Vahki
Victims of recency bias for the Toa Metru, the Vahki fall short of the previous Bionicle sets from 2004, but are still worth your look.
Review: Official Set - Toa Metru
Without a doubt the best Toa we've gotten in the Bionicle line, but one flaw keeps them from becoming the top-rated Bionicle set we've seen so far
Review: Official Set - Matoran of Metru Nui
Our introduction to Metru Nui is a clear upgrade from the Matoran of Mata Nui, but are they enough to top the 2001 Tohunga?
Building The Director
Celebrating our 2nd MOC release, learn about the building process for The Director, and gain a few tips for building it yourself!
Introducing: The Director
All you need to know about The Director model, available for purchase now!
Review: Official Set 8596 - Takanuva
Without a doubt the best of the bunch when it comes to 2003 Titans, and one of my favorite Bionicle sets to date
Review: Official Set 8593 - Makuta
A highly anticipated look at the mastermind behind all the shadows forced upon Mata Nui.
Review: Official Set 8595 - Takua & Pewku
A set worthy of the Titan classification with an incredibly polished design and inner mechanisms. Also, "TAKUAAAA".